Coronavirus Update (4/17/20): Access to CPEC’s Campus Suspended for Remainder of School Year. Online Classes Continue.

Dear Parents, Guardians and Students: Due to the extension of the “stay at home” order, access to CPEC’s campus will be suspended for the remainder of the school year. During this period students will continue to have access to all online courses via Fuel Ed (Peak) and are expected to complete assigned coursework from home. In addition, regularly scheduled student meetings with Mr. Zeiler (lead teacher) will continue to be conducted via telephone. Additional information will be shared via text, email and CPEC’s website. If you have any questions, feel free to contact a school representative at (888) 502-1116 or via email at Sincerely, Vivianna Trujillo Executive...

Actualizacion sobre Coronavirus (4/17/20): Acceso al campus de CPEC se suspenderá por el resto del año escolar. Clases en línea continuan.

Estimados Padres, Tutores y Estudiantes: Debido a la extensión de la orden de “quedarse en casa”, el acceso al campus de CPEC se suspenderá por el resto del año escolar. Durante este período, los estudiantes continuarán teniendo acceso a todos los cursos en línea a través de Fuel Ed (Peak) y se espera que completen los cursos asignados desde casa. Además, las reuniones estudiantiles programadas regularmente con el Sr. Zeiler (maestro principal) continuarán realizándose por teléfono. Se compartirá información adicional por mensaje de texto, correo electrónico y el sitio web de CPEC. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en comunicarse con un representante de la escuela al (888) 502-1116 o por correo electrónico a Sinceramente, Vivianna Trujillo...

Coronavirus Update – Online Classes Continue – Access to CPEC School Campus Suspended (3/16/20 – 4/17/20)

March 13, 2020 Dear Parents, Guardians and Students: After careful deliberation, Clear Passage Educational Center (CPEC) has decided to suspend student access to CPEC’s campus, beginning Monday, March 16. Access to CPEC’s campus and the computer center will resume Monday, April 20 (which includes CPEC’s spring recess from April 13 to 17). This action is an extra measure of protection to help prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, or COVID-19. We do not have any presumptive or confirmed cases of the new coronavirus on our campus, but we are taking this step to help protect public health.  During this period students will continue to have access to all online courses via Fuel Ed (Peak) and will be expected to complete assigned coursework from home. In addition, regularly scheduled student meetings with Mr. Zeiler (lead teacher) will be conducted via telephone. As a safety precaution, students are advised to stay home and minimize social contact as much as possible to keep caregivers and adult family members safe. Children have not been shown to be a high-risk group for serious illness from this virus. However, they can transmit the virus to those most vulnerable. During this period, public health officials recommend that families make arrangements for childcare that avoids leaving children with elderly people who are more vulnerable to the impact of the virus.  Also, per our prior communication, the following are recommendations to help prevent the spread of coronavirus and other infectious diseases: Stay home when ill. This includes symptoms such as fever, cough/difficulty breathing and/or intestinal problems.  Stay home at least 24 hours after you are fever free. Frequently wash hands for...