Aug 4, 2021 | Calendar, CPEC Announcements |
AB 104 Grade Change Policy August 4, 2021 Dear Parents, Guardians and Students, AB104 was signed into law on July 1, 2021. This bill revises California Education Code (EC) Section 49066.5 to allow for the course grades of students who were enrolled in a California high school in the 2020-21 school year to be changed from a letter grade to a Pass or No Pass grade on the student’s transcript. This means that all high school students may have the letter grades for courses taken in 2020-2021 changed to a “Pass” or “No Pass” on their transcript without lowering or negatively impacting their GPA. These changes will not affect college admissions to California State University or state financial aid for higher education. The Legislature also encourages the University of California, and private post-secondary institutions to accept the Pass/No Pass grades. Please be advised that some post-secondary educational institutions, including those in other states, may not accept a “Pass” or “No Pass” grade instead of a letter grade for admission purposes. Please see the link to schools that will accept transcripts with grades that have been changed to “Pass” or “No Pass”. To request a grade change, complete the attached form and return it by email to All forms must be emailed no later than 08/19/2021. If you have questions or need assistance completing this form, please contact the office via email at or by phone at 562-270-6052. Sincerely, Vivianna Trujillo Executive Director Política de Cambio de Calificaciones AB104 4 de agosto de 2021 Estimados Padres, Tutores y Estudiantes: AB104 se convirtió en ley el 1 de julio de...
Jun 4, 2021 | Board Announcements, Calendar, CPEC Announcements |
CPEC Regular Board Meeting Date: June 8, 2021 Time: 7 PM Teleconference Number: (712) 451-0634 Access Code: 994278 Clear-Passage-Regular-Board-Meeting-Agenda-060821Download CPEC Regular Board Meeting...